Featured guides
Starting with dock'd
Guides to help you configure and start working with dock'd.
Training By Role
Tailored training materials categorised by specific roles within dock'd.
dock'd mobile app
A Support Workers guide to using dock'd in the field.
dock'd Modules Explained
Overviews and instructions for each dock'd module's functionality.
Accessing Help and Support
Find key support resources and contact information for dock'd assistance.
A collection of articles that troubleshoot some of the most common issues.
Frequently Asked questions
See the answers to some of the most common questions here.
Frequently Asked questions
Why are past uninvoiced shifts for deactivated clients still available for invoicing?
Why doesn't dock'd automatically cancel past shifts when deactivating a client?
What happens if I reactivate a client?
Can a participant be removed from a SIL Home if they've received supports?
Can a participant be a resident of multiple SIL Homes at the same time?